Maasai Mara (Kenya)

Maasai Mara (Kenya)

With an area of 1510 km2 the Masai Mara is not the largest game park in Kenya, but it is probably the most famous. The entire area of the park is nestled within the enormous Great Rift Valley that extends from the Mediterranean Sea to South Africa. It is at the bottom of the Siria Escarpment. The terrain of the reserve is primarily grassland, with seasonal river-lets. In the south-east region are clusters of the distinctive acacia tree. The western border is the Esoit Oloololo Escarpment of the Rift Valley, and wildlife tends to be most concentrated here, as the swampy ground means that access to water is always good and tourist disruption is minimal.

The Masai Mara is perhaps most famous for its lions. All other members of the “Big Five” are to be found in the Masai Mara, although the population of black rhinoceros is severely threatened, with a population of only 37 recorded in 2000. Hippopotami are found in large groups in the Masai Mara and Talek Rivers. Cheetah is also to be found, although their numbers are also threatened, chiefly due to tourist disruption of their day-time hunting. As mentioned above, the plains between the Mara River and the Esoit Oloalolo Escarpment are probably the best area for game viewing, in particular regarding lion and cheetah.

As in the Serengeti, the wildebeests are the dominant inhabitant of the Masai Mara, and their numbers are estimated in the millions. Around July of each year these ungainly animals migrate in a vast ensemble north from the Serengeti plains in search of fresh pasture, and return to the south around October. The Great Migration is one of the most impressive natural events worldwide, involving an immensity of herbivores: some 1,300,000 Wildebeests, 360,000 Thomson’s gazelles, and 191,000 Zebras. These numerous migrants are followed along their annual, circular route by a block of hungry predators, most notably lions and hyena.

Numerous other antelopes can be found, including Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelles, impalas, topis and Coke’s hartebeests. Large herds of zebras are found through the reserve. The plains are also home to the distinctive Masai Giraffes as well as the common giraffes. The large Roan antelopes and the nocturnal bat-eared fox, rarely present elsewhere in Kenya, can be seen within the reserve borders. The Masai Mara is a major research center for the spotted hyenas. Additionally, over 450 species of birdlife have been identified in the park.